Comming Soon: Firebrand

Esta pretende ser una plataforma al estilo MTV pero con comerciales y que le brindara a los consumidores la posibilidad de interactuar con su marca. Va a ser el primer caso multiplataforma. La principal diferencia con YouTube es que Firebrand es específicamente para aquellos que no quieren la publicidad de interrupción pero que si quieren lo que algunos ya denomina publicidad de permiso.

It's a new, opt-in entertainment and marketing destination that gives consumers interactive access to their favorite brands, products and promotions. They program the best and coolest TV commercials the way MTV used to program music videos (with "Commercial Jockeys," even - think MTV's vee-jays with a serious jones for good ads) and are slated to be the first multi-platform network to "go live" simultaneously on television, the web and mobile.

What's the difference between YouTube and Firebrand? For one thing...ironically....clutter. YouTube is - at best - an interim solution, which favors "viral" i.e. exceptions to the norm; Firebrand on the other hand is self-contained and offers a focused and singular alternative solution. Is it for everyone? Of course not. Commercials as commercials are a losing value proposition, but permission-based commercials (laden with offers and adjacent relevant and utilitarian information) are arguably closer to being consumed as content.

Extracto de Jaffe Juice "THe Life After the 30 second spot" post

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