Online Video Ad Sticking Points

How much advertising people are willing to endure to watch video content for free remains unresolved.
Via Emarketer:While many people seem to appreciate the long-standing concept of free content in exchange for viewing advertising, several factors unique to the Internet turn free content on its head. That includes not only user-generated video content competing with the professionally created kind (at least for the audience's attention, if not always by quality), but also the wealth of the Web choices, video or not, that an individual can click away to in an instant if an ad annoys.
Still, 54% of the US online video viewers surveyed by the Online Publishers Association called advertising a fair way for Web sites to provide free professionally produced videos. However, implied on the flip side of that data is that 46% of respondents do not believe that advertising in exchange for free content is a fair deal. A further flip side implication in the data: 48% of respondents would rather pay to see their favorite online videos than watch an ad.
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Brandfame - - is an online-video product placement agency that aims at connecting publishers and advertisers together to make product integration or sponsorship deals.