CRM Guru - Have a Plan: Customer-Centricity Doesn't Happen by Osmosis

By David Rance, Round

In business, the words "planning" and "customer-centric" seldom appear in the same paragraph, let alone in the same sentence. It's almost as if being customer-centric is something that happens by osmosis. However, any organization that leaves the customer experience to chance is taking a massive risk that its competitors will take away its high value customers.

The problem is that most organizations don't understand how customer-centric they are, because they simply don't have it as a dimension in their business for customers. We tend to manage businesses in one dimension, usually reflected in performance metrics. But the metrics reflect internal tasks, not customer activities. How otherwise would a global company—where control by metrics was truly world class and admired by everyone; where any manager would sell their grandmother to shave a quarter percent of their controllable operational expenditures—have more than 23 percent of OPEX as self-inflicted cost that no-one controlled? Because the company didn't report costs that way, so no one saw it.

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