Micropersuasion by Steve Rubel
Steve Rubel is a senior marketing strategist with 15 years experience. He currently serves as senior vice president in Edelman's me2revolution practice. Edelman is the largest independent global PR firm.
Rubel is charged with helping Edelman identify, test, incubate and champion new forms of communications that get people talking across new platforms and channels. He also explores these technologies on his well-read Micro Persuasion weblog and in a weekly column for AdAge Digital.
Widely viewed as an expert on conversational marketing, Rubel is often sought out as a speaker and appears frequently in the press. He has been named to several prestigious lists, including: Media Magazine's Media 100, the AlwaysOn/Technorati Open Media 100 and the CNET News.com Blog 100. Prior to joining Edelman in 2006, Rubel spent five years at CooperKatz & Company.
Note: Steve Rubel works at Edelman. Everything posted on this blog is his personal opinion and does not necessarily represent the views of his employer or its clients.
Steve can be reached via email at steverubel(at)gmail.com
Select Media Articles Featuring Steve Rubel:
Advertising Age
PR Week
The New York Times
Upcoming Speaking Engagements:
AlwaysOn Innovation Summit
Gnomedex 6.0
Mesh 2006